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 Emergent Weeds 

Unlike submerged weeds, emergent weeds breach water level. Common examples of this weed type in central and southern Minnesota include cattails, bulrushes, and spikerush. All emergent weed removal is charged hourly, not to exceed the maximum price for a given estimate. Upon removal, the vast majority of vegetation will stay away for years before significant regrowth is noticed. Permits are often necessary for large emergent weed areas. If would only like a 15-ft wide boat path or small area removed, permit applications are unnecessary. Private pond owners do not adhere to public watershed regulations and have no need to apply. Here is a hyperlink to the permit process necessary for legal removal of this weed category. 

*Note that you will need to create an account through the DNR to apply.

**f you would like assistance with this process, Dom and Amy would be happy to help! 612-293-6056.


Below are some great examples of our emergent weed removal work!

Cattail before & after.jpg
Pond Restoration.jpg
Cattail Removal.jpg
Cattail Bog removal.jpg



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