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 Muck & Sludge Treatments 

Because we do not currently have a dredge permit at Holy Divers, we advise waterfront property owners use enzyme tablets to tackle and control their muck issues. Use of these enzymes is a natural, safe, effective, DNR and EPA certified way to break down existing muck and decomposing organic matter that would normally form muck. Most manufacturers recommend these tablets or pellets be applied to your lakefront every 2-4 weeks for maximum effectiveness. For a more noticeable effect, clear out weeds in the area you want cleaned before tossing them in to ensure they reach bottom. Depending on the thickness of bottom sediment, they may take weeks or months to produce significant results. Muck buildup thicker than 2 ft will likely take years to get rid of using enzymes. Regardless which route you choose to clean your lake floor, the treatment and prevention of muck is undoubtedly a never-ending battle. 



To learn more about these enzymes, the research behind them, and some brand suggestions, please call Dom at 612-293-6056! 



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